
TPE Yoga Mats

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Our 72″x31″ TPE Yoga mats are perfect for yoga studios, gyms, and fitness centers looking to offer a personalized touch to their clients. Customize with your own logo or design and enjoy high-quality, non-slip material that’s perfect for any type of yoga practice. Buy in bulk and save with our wholesale pricing.

SKU: TPE7231 Categories: ,

Premium TPE Yoga Mats by YogiMate, designed to elevate your yoga practice to new levels of comfort and performance. Crafted from eco-friendly TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer), this mat offers a perfect blend of cushioning and grip. Its textured surface provides a non-slip foundation, ensuring stability and preventing slips or slides during poses. The TPE material is not only lightweight and easy to carry, but also durable and resistant to wear and tear, making it a long-lasting investment in your yoga journey. With optimal thickness and resilience, this mat supports your joints and provides the ideal balance of comfort and stability. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced practitioner, our TPE Yoga Mat is the perfect companion for your mindful movement. Experience the difference in your practice today!

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 72 × 31 × 0.25 in

Green, Purple, Black, Orange, Blue

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